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Den Of Cathartic Vultures


10 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Jun 8, 2021
Last Seen: Aug 4, 2024
Territory Level: 78
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 4703
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Collecting Souls

Avi Creds go to me! Do not steal my dapper boy, Reginald, lest you want your eyes pecked out :>

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The Daily Oracle/Tarot:

Daily readings are paused until further notice due to real-life being a bit busier than usual. Until then, keep on keepin' on! 🌻

Take what resonates, leave the rest 🤍

!!Disclaimer!! This is both for entertainment purposes and advice for those who seek advice. I know some individuals aren't fond of Tarot/Divination due to religious beliefs or any other reasons. Your beliefs are valid, therefore you don't have to acknowledge this part of my bio if you don't want to. I've been reading the cards since 2015, I respect my cards, yet I do not take any of my readings to heart. Tarot is not written in stone. You as an individual also have a big influence on what happens in your life path. Tarot is merely a tool to seek guidance or advice where you may need it. This will be updated daily, so long as I log in daily.

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𓄿 𝖂𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖁𝖚𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖘 𓄿

Centuries of human expansion caused turmoil to devastate the wildlands. While the human species made plans to inhabit and destroy other planets, the wildlife that was left had to stay and fight to survive. Most didn’t survive. Their environments became less inviting and more challenging to survive in, therefore causing migration to unknown territories. Any migrating prey that found new territory were also introduced to new predators that quickly found an easy meal. There were very few prey animals that survived long enough to reproduce.

This also affected predators. With less prey to go around, hunting quickly turned into battles for dominance. Some apex predators ended up extinct due to this. The wolf adapted to the best of its abilities.

In order to survive in these times, one needed to develop sheer will and determination. With a passion for survival under the most critical circumstances, Jacques and Ahmya paired up and founded the last wolf pack that would ever be established on planet Earth. It was uncertain if they were the last of the species on the planet at that point in time. However, it wouldn’t stop them from fighting for their survival, for the next generation, for the wolf species as a whole.

Cathartic Vultures welcomes you and invites you to transform through your traumas...

To align with the Universe and your true life path.

☀ 𝖂𝖊 𝖆𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑. ☾

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————- 𓄿 Breeding Info 𓄿 ————-

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what my pack will be based around (Ex; Defects, Boosts, HW, etc.) so I'm in the midst of experimenting at the moment. However, if you're interested in breeding any of my wolves, my guidelines are below.

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For the wolves I have up for breeding; if you're interested in any of them but the pricing is too high for you, I invite you to shoot me a message. However, please don't try to take advantage of this.

I put my studs up by CP, Rarity, and Talents so try to be mindful of this when browsing through them.

Females will not be put up for breeding year-round. You will have to PM me if you'd like to breed to any of them, as I don't have enough space currently to be holding multiple pregnant females. I allow POL as long as you choose your pup before the next game year starts (If the pups were born on the 3rd month of Winter, I'll give you until the 1st month of Fall unless I really need den space) If you do not PM me stating that you want POL, I will assume the pups are mine to do as I please with once they arrive. PM me with any questions or concerns.

As for the pups that I breed on my own time; unless I see potential in them, I ultimately throw em a bone... 💀 Pups that have decent rarities/talents will most likely be put up for sale if I don't feel like keeping them. Most of my defects/boosts I keep unless I don't have the room. If I have multiples, sometimes I'll spoil my friends or complete strangers with them. If you manage to get a good wolf outta me, I'd love to know how they do in your pack :)

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Notable Wolves Bred

Rohana ~ Firstborn to starter wolves 50R || June 11th, 2021

Anais ~ First Second Sight boost || July 3rd, 2021

Zathrian ~ First Chim 2 || July 15th, 2021

Olor ~ First DH/Custom || August 30th, 2021

Lykarniad ~ First Viti 4 || October 1st, 2021

————- 𓄿 Friendos & Cool Peepos 𓄿 ————-

Just a lil spot for the peeps I consider good friends. Listing any nicknames cause ya girl has horrible memory :')

(It's nothing personal if you aren't on this list, we most likely don't talk much/at all)

Dragonpipe ~ Ragi



Moonlight Seekers ~ Selene, Celestite

Kingdom Of Midnight

Cereal ~ Smothered Grain

Howls Of Thunder

This pack has been claimed by the powerful and squishy ✨Dragonpipe✨

————- 𓄿 The Furries and Feathers in My Life 𓄿 ————-

I've had many pets in my life and plan on always having companions of the animal kind. My past pets include 2 hamsters (Hampy & Bella) and 2 cats (Frisky & Gracie). Below, you'll find the current pets I have, and one I recently lost.

*Obviously, all pictures shown below belong to me*

𓄿 Cassadee 𓄿

A tiny Chi with a bangin' personality

My pride and joy since 2014, Cassie was just 4 months old when I got her. Her previous home was a potentially toxic one, as the previous owners weren't completely honest with us when we got her.

She was a tiny little thing at four months, but she made up for it with her spunky puppy attitude. This attitude has followed her well into her adult years, which is half of the fun of living with her! We were told she was a "teacup" Chihuahua, however, she's too large to be considered so. I never received papers for her, so I've been looking to get her DNA tested. I believe she may have some Papillon in her but am unsure.

Cassie has garnered many nicknames over her 7 years, including Cashew, Peanut, Cas, Boo-Bear (my mom's go-to), Doe, Lil Bee, Shew-ma-goo, Caserita, etc. She is also called "Cat" due to her bouts of cat-like behavior (See; the picture below, when she decided that she couldn't get anyone's attention by staying on the floor. She frequently hops up onto the dining room table, caring less about what's atop said table.)

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𓄿 Tucker 𓄿

November 17th, 2009 - February 26th, 2021

The purebred Doxie with Napolean Syndrome

Tucker was the first dog I ever had. My companion since childhood, he was the goofiest dog who always wanted to mess with the big dogs. His distinguishing feature was his long snout due to his overbite.
Tucker had many health issues throughout his life including 2 different types of hernias, but he was always wagging his tail and chasing rodents in the yard. While he was the family dog, everyone who met him loved him like their own. He was a famous face at the Vet's office, as we spent a fair amount of time there. He, too, had quite a few nicknames, but to us, he was always the man of the house. He was a lazy dog but never failed to wake at the sound of a food wrapper.
He was also my late grandmother's sidekick. Weekends were spent at grandma's house and Tucker knew the routine, which meant you'd find him waiting at the door. His precious time at Grandma's was spent chasing the intruders in the yard (See; deer, chipmunks, squirrels, birds) but mostly in Grandma's lap. Unfortunately, we lost our beloved bud to bloat.
Tucker ~ you were a good boy, a mooch, the living lap-warmer, and a grouch as you got older, but you'll always be remembered for the unconditional love and support that you gifted our family. I hope we gave you everything you could've asked for in life.
Until we meet again...
Given Nicknames:
Everyone ~ TT/Mooch/Weenie Boy
Mom ~ Little Man
Dad ~ Tuckasaurus
Fauna ~ Grovelpuss
Me ~ Tucko/Old Man

A sleepy boi

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𓄿Sweet Pea𓄿

The little Budgie who loves grooming fingies

*When you realize you don't have any Sweetie Pea pics on your computer*

Will be updated soon!!!

Sweet Pea was a bit of a rescue operation if you will. My aunt had originally got her for her mother as a companion, thinking she'd enjoy the company of an animal while my aunt was out during the day. Turned out that her mom became depressed watching the tiny bird sitting in a cage all day, so my aunt took the bird to my cousin. Big shock for such a tiny bird to be greeted by huge dogs, my cousin and his girlfriend had no idea how to care for a bird. So when my mom and I went to visit one day, I noticed the tiny bird in the corner of the living room. At the mention of the little bugger, my cousin offered her to us since they spent little time at home. I've wanted a bird for years, handled friends and family parrots, and did immense research on their care. My mom knew this, and with zero hesitation said "if you want her, it's your decision"

2 years later, and I'm happy to say that Sweet Pea is a happy little budgie! I spend my mornings with her, singing and talking to her. She enjoys flying about the living area, watching the birds outside, and watching TV with us. She's a bit of a two-person bird, only comfortable in the presence of my mom and me. She tolerates other people for a short time, but I'm working with her on socializing. She's still young, and I hope to have many years of memories with her!

If you're interested in learning more about me, you can check my bio tab or PM me! Or catch me in chat if you can!

Hi... Still a WIP sooo 👉🏻👈🏻 ahem 🤔 don't look too hard lmao


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My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Explorers This Week - Basic
Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
Yendor Winner
View All Of My Awards (9)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 25 spots for wolves.

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Hi there, Sunflower!
I'm Krystl, but you can call me Krys or Kachu.
I'm 21 and a returning player (My old pack name was Blue Lightning, in case anyone remembers me)
I'm glad to be back and hope to meet some cool peeps on here!
════ ∘◦ᵒ About 𓅓 Me ᵒ◦∘ ════
𓅓 I love me some video games! I'm more of a PC gamer, but I enjoy a good console game as well.
𓅓 I suffer from ADHD, Dyslexia, mild Insomnia, Clinical Depression, Asthma, and Social Anxiety. According to my friends and family, I tend to dissociate often as well. I'm unsure if this is due to the above (beside the Asthma), but I guess if I don't respond to PMs or chat quickly, I'm probably dissociating or my ADHD has me fucked up 🥴
𓅓 I'm a shy bean, for sure! Because of this, I only have a couple of friends but I love the idea of making new friends. I'm just a tad awkward at first.
𓅓 I enjoy anything that allows me to create, like painting, story building/world-building, and writing. I used to write a ton of fanfiction but my self-confidence and ADHD kinda put that on pause in 2020. I really wanna get back into it though, it was something that delivered that good serotonin 👌🏻
𓅓 I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community 🏳️‍🌈 I am bisexual, and my pronouns are She/Her They/Them
𓅓 I'm an Eclectic Pagan and Polytheist. I've been practicing Wicca for 3+ years with the guidance of my aunt, who has taught me much of what I know. I'm branching out into witchcraft recently and have enjoyed my spiritual experience so far. This is basically my spiritual path of which I feel comfortable in.
𓅓 I have a love for space. My sister, dad, and I spend a lot of time staying up late watching the stars, especially during active meteor shower dates. I also love astrology, although I'm not a fan of the crazed people who use astrology as an excuse to not befriend or date someone 🙄
𓅓 I'm a huge animal lover and would like to pursue a career involving animals (most likely dog training). While I'm still in the process of getting my diploma, I'm fully determined to make my career goals my reality!
𓅓 I am your local trash goblin. I collect the ✨shinies✨ that I find on the sidewalk, and various other trinkets the fellow humans may have lost or just tossed into our environment without a second thought. Oh, and rocks?! Yes, I have a lot of them. (*Cough cough* I may have stopped doing this amid the pandemic due to my high risk of getting the virus)
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This is about all I can think of off the top of my head, but I think it's a good start. While I'm a shy gal, I hope that doesn't deter you if you'd like to become online buds. I'm awkward at first but I promise I'm sweet and cool once I get comfortable with you! Hope to see ya in my PMs :)

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Recent Blogs
1. Reginald (Crow OC) - 3 years ago
2. Aderyn Stynel - 3 years ago
3. Untimely Attack || Seb + Fable - 3 years ago
4. Lauralae Forrester - 3 years ago
5. Emerson Connors - 3 years ago
My Characters
This tab will be dedicated to any art I end up buying or attain as a gift from others.
If you're searching for my OC's, you can check my blog for OC info sheets and pictures
Lovely art by my good friend Dragonpipe (#274408) ~ Thank you Ragi, you spoil me :<
Another lovely piece by Dragonpipe of my OC Reginald! Thank you Ragi <3

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