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Den Of Redneck


5 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Sep 2, 2020
Last Seen: Feb 18, 2024
Territory Level: 1
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 2
PVP Power Rank: 6364
Membership: Basic

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Status: Chill

The White Wolf

She snapped awake out of a deep sleep, screaming aloud in terror. In her nightmare, a large white wolf had been chasing her around and around the house, gaining on her with every step until it finally pounced on her and ripped out her throat. She lay shaking for hours, unable to sleep after such a terrifying dream.

But morning finally arrived, and the day was completely normal. Cecilia forgot all about her dream, until the moment her parents reminded her that they would be going out that night to celebrate their anniversary. Cecilia turned milk-white. In her dream, the white wolf had come to kill her while her parents were out celebrating their anniversary! She started shaking and begging them not to go. Her parents were astonished at her behavior, and finally shamed her into staying home alone that night.

Fearfully, Cecilia locked herself in the house as soon as her parents left, checking every door and every window. She tried to laugh it off as she got into bed, and finally she shook off her irrational fear and fell asleep.

Cecilia snapped awake suddenly, every muscle tense. She heard the tinkling of falling glass from a broken window, and the snuffling sound of a snout pressed to the floor. It was the sound of a hunting wolf. A werewolf. Real wolves did not break into houses when there was plenty of game outside. She could hear the clicking of the creature’s claws on the wooden floor. The musky, foul smell of wet animal fur combined with the meaty breath of a carnivore, drifted into the room.

She could hear the werewolf’s panting right outside her bedroom. Then her body was out of bed and she sped through the bathroom and down the back stairs. She heard a soft growl and then the sound of animal feet pursuing her as she raced down the steps and tore open the back door. A glance at the window beside her showed a reflection of the werewolf leaping down the last few steps behind her.

Cecilia’s feet screamed in protest as she ran painfully across the sharp gravel driveway toward the tool shed filled with its shovels and baseball bats. Anything she could use as a weapon. But the huge, red-eyed wolf was suddenly between her and the toolshed, stalking toward her. The cold wind pierced her skin as she turned and fled around the side of the house. She gasped as the white wolf howled and took off after her. She could hear the terrifying sound of the creature’s pounding feet.

Faster, faster, she commanded her legs, panting desperately against the fear choking her. She would run around the house and back down the driveway, she thought with the clarity of sheer horror. She felt the wolf snap at her back leg and felt the sting of teeth. She put on speed.

The wolf veered away from her suddenly, and she felt a rush of hope. She couldn’t hear the wolf now, couldn’t see it in the cloud-darkened night. She kept running around the house, heading back toward the tool shed. To her intense relief, she heard the sound of a car coming down the road in front of her house. Her parents were back and would save her from the wolf!

Then her heart stopped in panic as she turned the last corner and saw the shape of the white wolf as it stood balanced on the porch railing right in front of her. It sprang upon Cecilia, huge teeth tearing into her flesh and ripping out her throat. She fell under the weight of its body, hot blood spilling all over the ground, she died seconds after she hit the ground. One minute later, her parent's car pulled into the driveway, its headlights blinding the white wolf as it pulled toward the house. Frightened, the wolf backed away from its kill and then ran away into the dark forest.

Little did Cecilia’s parents know, she was a cougar-wolf hybrid, born to kill innocent people for the power of youth after their first kill they become immortal. As for the white wolf he was soon seen again stalking another hybrid before it has made its first kill.


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Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
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Total Dominance: 0

Pup 38
Beta Male
Dominance: 0
   Age: 12
Rarity: 5
Talent: 15
Total CP: 150
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Pup 46
Alpha Male
Dominance: 0
   Age: 12
Rarity: 6
Talent: 20
Total CP: 200
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Pup 66
Alpha Female
Dominance: 0
   Age: 12
Rarity: 4
Talent: 19
Total CP: 190
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Overall Space left in this den: 12 spots for wolves.

I have 4 dogs 2 pomskys, a toy aussie, and a pomeranian. My Pomeranian just had 5 puppies with my male pomsky, this litter makes it her second litter.
I like to write short stories about hybrid animals.

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