Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Hourly Damage Variances
Sun Bear : 0
Water Moccasin : 0
Komodo Dragon : -4
    Spring Month: 2   Night  Weather:  Clear  Moon: 
 Battle  Explore In: Now

Den Of Interstellar Sun


229 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Aug 26, 2020
Last Seen: Mar 1, 2024
Territory Level: 30
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 31
PVP Power Rank: 6427
Membership: Explorer (free)

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: In The Gay Corner

Welcome to the pack of Interstellar Sun.
I'm not very active on this site, but when I'm here, I'm a very avid roleplayer, writer, and artist. I specialize in drawing animals, but an trying to work on humanoids and their anatomy. I'm always down for a chat, roleplay, or just rant. My PMs are always open for anyone who needs them. Now, about myself! I am an adult, who works a full-time job in retail, and part-time at a veterinarian clinic. I am not old enough to drink alcohol yet. I have a cat - a tuxedo named Chunk, and a dog - a rottweiler named Kingston. Both of them are spoiled and very much loved!<3 I'm a furry (no surprise there, huh?), make fursuits, and sell them in my free time. So yeah, I have a very busy life. Oh, and I like to animate occasionally too. My life is.. a beautiful trainwreck? That's me.
Enough about me. Info about my pack and my account on here. I once was an avid breeder, and had a crystalline, along with a custom. Now, I'm just kinda here, lurking in the depths, waiting for a good time to pop out and bless you all with my presence. I was once rich, but I gave my wealth to newbies before I left, so now I'm a broke bitch. Oh well.
You want my art? Well, lucky for you, I'm accepting commissions right now. Infact, the dividers on this page (will) be made by me. I even make discounts for certain occasions, who knew!


This pack blogs! Visit Blog

My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Alliance Member
Number 1 Alliance Member This Week
Top 10 Most Splashed
View All Of My Awards (16)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.

free-to-use-lil-pixel-plant-by-beckychanx3-dbsf4kr-fullview-png-token-ey-J0e-XAi-Oi-JKV1-Qi-LCJhb-Gci-O.png by BeckyChanX3 on DA
green-machines-by-alaskass-d8hqv4n-fullview-png-token-ey-J0e-XAi-Oi-JKV1-Qi-LCJhb-Gci-Oi-JIUz-I1-Ni-J9-ey-Jzd-WIi-O.png by Alaskass on DA
d9ru5l2-8f046269-189f-424c-9910-e9c8be5f3dfb-gif-token-ey-J0e-XAi-Oi-JKV1-Qi-LCJhb-Gci-Oi-JIUz-I1-Ni-J9-ey-Jzd-WIi.gif by littlegrimorie on DA
Avatar is by BioZev on TH
Battle Exp
25 = Tear (Off +2)
50 = Grip & Scratch (Off +3)
75 = Knock Over (Off +4)
100 = Kick (Def +5)
125 = Strangle Hold (Off +6)
150 = Rake (Off +7)
175 = Wrestle Down (Off +8)
200 = Push Away (Def +10)
225 = Jugular (Off +9)
250 = Disembowel (Off +10)
275 = Slashing Bite (Off +11)
300 = Flesh Ripper (Off +12)
325 = Skull crush (Off +13)
350 = Bone Breaker (Off +14)
375 = Thrust (Def +15)
400 = Hind Paw Slam (Off +16)
425 = Headbutt (Off +17)
450 = Tail Slap (Off +18)
475 = Roll (Def +19)
500 = Buck (Def +20)
525 = Neck Snap (Off +21)
550 = Fatal Bite (Off +22)
575 = Spine Snap (Off +23)
600 = Eye Gouger (Off +24)
625 = Ankle Cut (Off +25)
650 = Side Jump (Def +26)
675 = Counter (Def +27)
700 = Block (Def +28)
725 = Achilles Tear (Off +29)
750 = Body Slam (Off +30)
775 = Play Dead (Def +31)
800 = Dodge (Def +32)
825 = Pin (Off +33)
850 = Decapitate (Off +34)
875 = Shake (Off +35)
900 = Death Grip (Off +36)
Wolf Moods
Content - default mood.
In Labor - close to having pups.
Peaceful - feeling blessed at temple ruins.
Fierce - killing prey/enemies.
Sheepish - fleeing from a battle.
Triumphant - defeating a player in PvP.
Subdued - losing against a player in PvP.
Shifty - stealing from the trap.
Hurt - injured by a trap.
Sneaky - raiding a bear's den.
Successful - catching a fish.
Softhearted - healing injured animals.
Devious - raiding a farmhouse.
Heroic - fixing a dam in explore.
Outgoing - befriending familiars.
Sad - when a wolf dies.
80-96 hours.
lasts 2-5.
Defect Penalties
Deaf- 50 CP penalty in Perception.
Hip Dysplasia- 100 CP penalty in Battle, 150 CP penalty in Agility.
Anosmia- 120 CP penalty in Perception. 50 CP penalty in Stealth.
Runt- 100 CP penalty in Battle.
Hydrocephalus- 100 CP penalty in Empathy, 150 CP penalty in Wisdom, 50 CP penalty in Agility, 100 CP penalty in Spirituality.
Blind- 120 CP penalty in Perception, 120 CP penalty in Battle.
Dwarfism- 50 CP penalty in Battle. 50 CP penalty in Agility.
Hyposmia- 100 CP penalty in Perception.
Cerebellar Hypoplasia- 150 CP penalty in Dominance. 100 CP penalty in Stealth. 150 CP penalty in Battle. 150 CP penalty in Agility.
Club Foot- 50 CP penalty in Agility. 20 CP penalty in Battle.
Spina Bifida- 150 CP penalty in Agility. 150 CP penalty in Battle.
Albino- Change of picture to a plain white wolf, pink nose, pink eyes.
Melanism- Change of picture to a darker black plain wolf with black nose.
Vitiligo- Change of picture over time with white spots
leucism-Change of picture to a creamy wolf.
Heart Murmur- No known effect at this time.
Extra Vertebrae- No known effect at this time.
Entropion- No known effect at this time.
Crooked Tail- No known effect at this time.
Extra Kidneys- No known effect at this time.
Bald- No known effect at this time.
Cleft Palate- No known effect at this time.
Extra Toes- No known effect at this time
Wolf weight;
75-90 - +5 Agility -5 Damage
90-110 - +2 Agility -2 Damage
110-130 - -2 Agility +2 Damage
130-150 - -5 Agility +5 Damage
Boost Guide
Crushing Strength 250 CP in Battle
Deadly Silent 250 CP in Stealth
Elite Speed 250 CP in Battle
Inner Strength 250 CP in Composure
Karmic Blessings 250 CP in Luck
Nimble Foot 250 CP in Agility
Savvy Insight 250 CP in Wisdom
Second Sight 250 CP in Perception
Silver Tongue 250 CP in Social
Character attributes
Dominance - Pack Happiness, Chasing Packs
Stealth - Tracking prey
Perception - Discovering things while exploring
Luck - Discovering things while exploring
Maternal - Number of pups born
Social - Befriending familiars
Empathy - Healing animals
Morals - Fixing the Beaver Dam
Resolve - Offensive battle ability
Composure - Raiding the Farmhouse
Wisdom - Discovering things while exploring, Identifying prey
Battle - Offensive battle ability
Charisma - Number of pups born
Agility - Defensive battle ability
Spirituality - Discovering things while exploring
Pup exploration
Battle raises after watching a fight
Agility raises when stealing food from a trap
Agility raises when watching older wolves fish
Stealth raises when watching the adults stalk prey
Social raises after befriending animals
Explore Bestiary; thanks Karma!
This is the first Terrain you will be able to explore in.
Red Fox ~ Level 1
Badger ~ Level 1
Boar ~ Level 3
Wolverine ~ Level 5
Bobcat ~ Level 7
Mountain Lion ~ Level 9
Coyote ~ Level 11
Brown Bear ~ Level 13
Squirrel ~ Level 1
Rabbit ~ Level 1
Pheasant ~ Level 3
Deer ~ Level 5
Elk ~ Level 7
Chipmunk ~ Level 9
Turkey ~ Level 11
Moose ~ Level 13
Woodchuck ~ Level 15
Skunk ~ Level 20
Raccoon ~ Level 25
Opossum ~ Level 30
Hedgehow ~ Level 35
Beaver ~ Level 40
Armadillo ~ Level 45
Ant Eater ~ Level 50

Red Deer Stag
Bald Eagle
Red-Tailed Hawk
Mythical Creature:
Bigfoot ~ Level 5
Eve ~ Level x


Leopard ~ Level 1
Babboon ~ Level 1
Mamba ~ Level 3
Crocodile ~ Level 5
Jaguar ~ Level 7
Sun Bear ~ Level 9
Anaconda ~ Level 11
Margay ~ Level 13
Death Adder ~ Level 15
Green Python ~ Level 17
Komodo Dragon ~ Level 19
Vicuna Wolf ~ Level 21
Bengal Tiger ~ Level 23


Tapir ~ Level 1
Capybara ~ Level 1
Antelope ~ Level 3
Water Buffalo ~ Level 5
Spider Monkey ~ Level 7
Sloth ~ Level 9
Okapi ~ Level 11
Elephant ~ Level 13
Flying Fox ~ Level 15
Bongo ~ Level 17
Bandicoot ~ Level 19
Poison Dart Frog ~ Level 21
Peccary ~ Level 23
Coatimundi ~ Level 25


Leopard ~ Level 1
Babboon ~ Level 1
Mamba ~ Level 3
Crocodile ~ Level 5
Jaguar ~ Level 7
Sun Bear ~ Level 9
Anaconda ~ Level 11
Margay ~ Level 13
Death Adder ~ Level 15
Green Python ~ Level 17
Komodo Dragon ~ Level 19
Vicuna Wolf ~ Level 21
Bengal Tiger ~ Level 23


Tapir ~ Level 1
Capybara ~ Level 1
Antelope ~ Level 3
Water Buffalo ~ Level 5
Spider Monkey ~ Level 7
Sloth ~ Level 9
Okapi ~ Level 11
Elephant ~ Level 13
Flying Fox ~ Level 15
Bongo ~ Level 17
Bandicoot ~ Level 19
Poison Dart Frog ~ Level 21
Peccary ~ Level 23
Coatimundi ~ Level 25


Red Panda
Capuchin Monkey


Coyote ~ Level 1
Cougar ~ Level 1
Grey Fox ~ Level 3
Jackal ~ Level ?
Black Bear ~ Level ?
Cheetah ~ Level ?
Bobcat ~ Level ?
Spotted Hyena ~ Level ?


Pronghorn ~ Level 1
Thorny Devil ~ Level 1
Kangaroo Rat ~ Level 3
Javelina ~ Level ?
Rhinoceros ~ Level ?
Gila Monster ~ Level ?
Longhorn Cattle ~ Level ?


Prairie Dog
African Wild Dog

Mythical Creature:



Red Fox ~ Level 1
Grizzly Bear ~ Level 1
Western Rattlesnake ~ Level 3
Bobcat ~ Level 5
Cougar ~ Level 7
Jackal ~ Level 9
Mojave Green Rattler ~ Level 11
Leopard ~ Level 13
Coyote ~ Level 15
Black Bear ~ Level 17


Ibex ~ Level 1
Pika ~ Level 1
Mule Deer ~ Level 3
Snowshoe Hare ~ Level 5
Moose ~ Level 7
Beaver ~ Level 9
Mountain Goat ~ Level 11
Hyrax ~ Level 13
Alpaca ~ Level 15
Bighorn Sheep ~ Level 17
Rat ~ Level ?
Elk ~ Level ?


Stellars Jay

Mythical Creature:



Arctic Fox ~ Level 1
Polar Bear ~ Level 1
Ermine ~ Level 3
Grizzly Bear ~ Level 3
Red Fox ~ Level 5
Wolverine ~ Level 5


Caribou ~ Level 1
Arctic Hare ~ Level 1
Rock Ptarmigan ~ Level 3
Musk Ox ~ Level 3
Ground Squirrel ~ Level 5
Harlequin Duck ~ Level 5
Reindeer ~ Level 7
Snowshoe Hare ~ Level 7
Puffin ~ Level 9
Moose ~ Level 9
Lemming ~ Level 11


Brent Goose
Snowy Owl

Mythical Creature:


Recent Forum Topics
1. Word Doggos - Auctions - CLOSED - 8 months ago - Artwork
2. Pretty Kitties Adoption and Boarding|OPEN - 1 year ago - Sign-Ups
3. The Cat Queen. - 2 years ago - Alliances
4. Help Inter develop characters - 2 years ago - Socialize
5. New Worlds | 1x1 - 2 years ago - 1x1

Recent Forum Posts
1. Word Doggos - Auctions - CLOSED - 8 months ago - Artwork
2. Big names in forums - 1 year ago - Bugs
3. Ryks Beginner Gallery - 1 year ago - Art Gallery
4. The Artwork Above You - 1 year ago - Games
5. Artists Discussion - 1 year ago - Socialize

Recent Blogs
1. The Cat Queen. - 2 years ago
2. Furry Rant - 2 years ago
3. Updated roleplay example - 2 years ago
4. Roleplay example - 3 years ago
My Characters

I wish I could be a cat.

Then I could just run from my problem until they dont chase me anymore.


But I am a cat.

Yet I cant run. I cant hide. I cant simply climb a tree and forget.

I wish I could.

I wish I could do a lot of things.

I just want to go back.

Redo what I've done.

Maybe I'd be better off.

Maybe it'd be worse.

Yet, I know that if I changed the past, I wouldn't be able to change the future.

I have to grow; I have to try.

I have to run; I have to cry.

I have to learn; I have to forgive.

Second chances can mean a lot. Especially to me.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 43

Bones This Event: 12
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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