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Den Of Overthink101


71 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Jul 10, 2020
Last Seen: Jul 2, 2024
Territory Level: 1
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 6484
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Looking For RP Partner

Credits to Candor/Sir Froggington
So uh. I've decided I should actually use this, haha-

So... You've made it into my... What is it exactly? A den? Account? House? I dunno, haha-, but so. You have stumbled in here, either by bad luck, curiosity, a mixture of the two, or something else. As a reward, or maybe curse, here's a few things on me! I guess!

I am a huge roleplayer, in both the forums and PMs. I am strictly only human/humanoid/shifter/hybrid person, I can't do realistic animals. I can do MxM, FxF, and MxF. I am capable of doing up to twenty fleshed-out characters, but it hurts my head. I prefer to play male but I don't mind doing female. Here's a few 1x1s I can do.
Elf x Elf
Elf x Human
Hybrid x Hybrid
Human x Human
Hybrid x Human
Hybrid x Elf
Humanoid x Elf
Humanoid x Humanoid
Humanoid x Hybrid
Humanoid x Human
Shifter x Shifter
Shifter x Humanoid
Shifter x Elf
Shifter x Human
Shifter x Hybrid
Mythical x Human
Mythical x Shifter
Mythical x Elf
Mythical x Humanoid
Mythical x Hybrid
Mythical x Mythical
Put simply, I'm up to anything except for realistic animals- haha. Be prepared for angst unless if you specifically tell me no angst. Typical settings/plots of the PM roleplays I do are usually schools, cities, on the run, experiments, and kingdoms. Though if you want to do something else, I'll probably be open to it, as long as it isn't just about realistic animals. I'm also fine with romance between our own characters if we're doing a bigger plot/storyline and are both playing multiple characters. I mostly enjoy literate rp partners but semi-lit is fine as well.
Well, that's really it about me. I'm just a boring person that does way too many roleplays yet still manages to easily shift through them. It's a very strange thing. Haha.


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View All Of My Awards (2)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.


Recent Forum Topics
1. Project Vanguard | WIP DNP - 3 days ago - Sign-Ups
2. Beyond Blood | Socrates x Adapa - 3 months ago - 1x1
3. The Accidental Villain Alliances | Socrates x Adapa - 4 months ago - 1x1
4. Aim For Catching Sparks | Socrates x Adapa - 8 months ago - 1x1
5. Fenrir x Socrates x Adapa | Discussion - 8 months ago - Discussion

Recent Forum Posts
1. The Path to Power | Discussion Thread - 22 hours ago - Discussion
2. The Path To Power | Fantasy RP | Open! - 22 hours ago - Sign-Ups
3. ....Yep, another idea... - 1 day ago - Polls
4. Project Vanguard | WIP DNP - 3 days ago - Sign-Ups
5. Never Fade Away || Discussion Thread - 42 minutes ago - Discussion

Recent Blogs
1. Deity Roles - 8 months ago
2. Hmmm - 8 months ago
3. Plot - 11 months ago
4. Foes - 1 year ago
5. Races - 1 year ago
My Characters
I have way too many characters- XD

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