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Den Of Xuân


56 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Apr 8, 2020
Last Seen: May 22, 2024
Territory Level: 15
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 11
PVP Power Rank: 6860
Membership: Explorer (free)

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About This Pack


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i'm not prepared for the future
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game modded as of March 1, 2022 :)


· two · five · five · three · six · six ·

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dang, you're good at life
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mélomanie alliance

On an indefinite hiatus. Most likely dipping from the internet. I wish you all the best :)

bird-skull-Asralore.png C H R I S A L I S M bird-skull-left-Asralore.png

the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm, listening to waves of rain pattering against the roof like an argument upstairs, whose muffled words are unintelligible but whose crackling release of built-up tension you understand perfectly.


who am I...

➸ I am an avid writer and aspiring artist. I love hoarding art, meeting new people, helping others out, and chatting with my closest friends. I promise I don't bite :)


crow-arrow-kibaslovelies.png A G N O S T H E S I A crow-lantern-kibaslovelies.png

The state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person — noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.


current active roleplays...
〖open for more? :: yes

None ✵

friendly-crow-Cantshutup.pngS O N D E Rheart-crow-Cantshutup.png

the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own — populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness — an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

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i think you should go back to boston
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deer-skull-Just-Skygge.png A N E M O I A deer-skull-1-Just-Skygge.png

nostalgia for a time you’ve never known


✴︎ to everyone on my friends list~

➸ Thank y'all for sticking around. I trust y'all utterly and adore every single one of your art pieces, writing snippets, aesthetics, OCs, world-building, lore, skills, personality, and everything about y'all. I'm glad I have y'all to talk to. I'm always here for every single one of you, and I say this with utmost confidence:

I love you all mwah

bird-skull-Asralore.png L U T A L I C A bird-skull-left-Asralore.png

the part of your identity that doesn't fit into categories



friendly-crow-Cantshutup.pngO N I S M heart-crow-Cantshutup.png

the frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time, which is like standing in front of the departures screen at an airport, flickering over with strange place names like other people’s passwords, each representing one more thing you’ll never get to see before you die — and all because, as the arrow on the map helpfully points out, you are here.

shoutouts to all of those on my friend's list <3

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this life is filled with flashy clothes and fancy cars
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deer-skull-Just-Skygge.png K O I N O P H O B I A deer-skull-1-Just-Skygge.png

the fear of living an ordinary life without anything spectacular about it

crow-arrow-kibaslovelies.png A U S T I C Ecrow-lantern-kibaslovelies.png

a wistful omen of the first sign of autumn - a subtle coolness in the shadows, a rustling of dead leaves abandoned on the sidewalk, or a skein of geese sweeping over your head like the second hand of a clock

I see you've made it to the end of my ramblings and many different words from the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. Well, congratulations. Do tell me how you liked it, as I had a wonderful time creating it. Anywho, good day to you, good lads. I hope you continue onto your journey in life and make the impact, or impacts, you want to make, and that you get to meet the people you need to meet.


friendly-crow-Cantshutup.png N O D U S - T O L L E N S heart-crow-Cantshutup.png

the realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore — that although you thought you were following the arc of the story, you keep finding yourself immersed in passages you don’t understand, that don’t even seem to belong in the same genre — which requires you to go back and reread the chapters you had originally skimmed to get to the good parts, only to learn that all along you were supposed to choose your own adventure.

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forget every word you say, just take a hint
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This pack blogs! Visit Blog

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Top 10 Alliance Member
Number 1 Alliance Member This Week
Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (11)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 20 spots for wolves.



Avatar: Reddy

Banner: WyrmSoup @TH

Palette: AyukioCC


Antlers: ProfileDecor @DA

Ram Head, Crow with Arrow, Crow with Lantern: kibaslovelies @DA

Crow Skulls: Asralore @DA

Crow Wings Flaring, Crow Facing Left: !-crows-! @DA

Hello Crow, Heart Crow: Cantshutup @DA

Deer Skulls: JustSkygge @DA

Skull Facing Right: Asralore @DA

Arched Back Cat: chokeholds @DA

Synco Approval: 86Eternity granted by Synco <3

Black Chicken: RariDecor @DA

My Alliances

Recent Forum Topics
1. Foreign Enemies | OPEN | 10 Spots - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups
2. [seeking advanced roleplayers] [forums only] - 2 years ago - 1x1
3. improvement - 3 years ago - Tail Wags

Recent Forum Posts
1. Mélomanie Song Recommendations Thread - 1 year ago - Alliances
2. Empire of Edyss // RP Thread - 2 years ago - Literate
3. Empire of Edyss // Discussion Thread - 2 years ago - Discussion
4. Empire of Edyss // Literate // Open - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups
5. Fractured || Summer Roleplay || 3 open spots - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups

Recent Blogs
1. ashara - 2 years ago
2. Medieval Tetra Cassian - 2 years ago
3. Modern Cassian - 2 years ago
4. Z End Of Us - Cassian - 2 years ago
5. Caroline Bardon - 2 years ago
My Characters

LMAO this is only here for the lore I'll never use


something that can heal or cure anything or, more generally, solve any problem

Out-Going • Peace-maker • Soothing

Age » unknown; reincarnates indefinitely (immortal)

Gender » masculine

Pronouns » he/him, they/them

Species » canine

Sexual Orientation » asexual panromantic (male lean)

Build » lithe; small

Special Attributes » flower creator

Fun Facts

⇒ He enjoys creating flower crowns and anklets for his closest friends

⇒ Panacea has the ability to create flowers out of seemingly nothing

⇒ Nobody knows what species he genuinely is, but he does look more so canine, so they consider him one

⇒ The inner parts of his ears are a pale green

⇒ Panacea's flowers are said to have healing properties


a code word representing the letter F, used in radio communication
a ballroom dance in 4/4 time, with alternation of two slow and two quick steps

Sarcastic • Intimidating • Blunt

Age » 3 years and 2 months

Gender » non-binary

Pronouns » they/them

Species » cockatoo/gazelle; can show up as any species though

Sexual Orientation » questioning

Build » lean sturdy; tall

Special Attributes » WyrmSoup's creation

Fun Facts ╕

⇒ The feathers under their arms can shift into gliders

⇒ Their favorite holiday is Halloween, and their favorite season is Autumn

⇒ Foxtrot can be portrayed as many, many different species

⇒ Any jabs at them will die down with their glare

⇒ Their nickname, which they loathe, is Foxie


a nickname derived from the name Xuân, though can also mean honey or sweetie, a fitting name for this character

Naive • Sweet • Happy-Go-Lucky

Age » around 3 years

Gender » feminine

Pronouns » she/her

Species » winged canine

Sexual Orientation » bisexual

Build » lean; small

Special Attributes » winged

Fun Facts

⇒ Xuxu has a strange addiction to strawberries

⇒ Her eyes are a soft, soothing lavender color

⇒ She has always loved fantasies and outer space

⇒ Xuxu has an incredibly fluffy pelt, though her wings are softer

⇒ She was my very first OC, if you can believe it


a wild rose

Jovial • Spiteful • Innocent

Age » approximately 4 years

Gender » masculine

Pronouns » he/him

Species » wolf

Sexual Orientation» bisexual demiromantic

Build » lithe muscular; tall

Special Attributes » N/A

Fun Facts

⇒ His nickname is Nessy

⇒ Though Nesryn is an all around upbeat character, he holds onto grudges spitefully

⇒ He has two brothers and is the oldest of the trio

⇒ Nesryn's original role was to be the Divine (god) of Air, Life, Roses, Abundance, and more

⇒ Nesryn's name is most commonly a female name, but nobody cares about common occurrences


re · ne · veer

Charming • Flirtatious • Slow-On-The-Uptake

Age » 2 years and 9 months

Gender » masculine

Pronouns » he/him

Species » wolf

Sexual Orientation » pansexual demiromantic

Build » lean muscular; tall

Special Attributes » halo

Fun Facts

⇒ Renevere has an odd obsession with telling the truth

⇒ He is a rather tall character, especially for his rather younger age

⇒ His halo grants him occasional abilities, such as levitation, though these occurences are uncommon

⇒ Renevere, when he wins, is smug, but his enthusiasm will make up for it

⇒ You can imagine him being that fun uncle who everyone loves


a common household item, though not quite as adorable as our sponge

Worship-Worthy• Upbeat • Charismatic

Age » unknown; reincarnates indefinitely (immortal)

Gender » feminine

Pronouns » she/her

Species » koi wolf

Sexual Orientation » asexual homoromantic

Build » slim; average

Special Attributes » pumpkin-?

Fun Facts

⇒ Sponge loves pumpkins, and can... talk to and control them?

⇒ She can change between koi and koi wolf, but prefers the latter over the former

⇒ She's actually close friends with Foxtrot,the life before her current having been born as his sister, though he survived and she didn't

⇒ Sponge was gifted to me by my marvelous friend, WyrmSoup

⇒ Sponge is, most likely, the closest to Foxtrot


Dusk Trotter
one who travels dusk with a familiarity and confidence

Shy • Nervous Ball of Fluff • Small

Age » 5 years

Gender » non-binary

Pronouns » he/him, they/them

Species » supposedly canine

Sexual Orientation » homosexual

Build » slim; under average

Special Attributes » red eyes

Fun Facts

⇒ Dusk Trotter can color seemingly anything red due to his red eyes

⇒ Due to his irrational fear of everything, he avoids eye contact with others

⇒ Dusk Trotter has a fascination for science

He is most comfortable with He/Him pronouns, though is fine with They/Them as well

⇒ He also adores candied or caramel apples


one of the 50 Nereids in Greek mythology, meaning "running waves"

Boisterous • Cheerful • Flippant

Age » around since Ancient Greece; reincarnate

Gender » agender

Pronouns » she/her

Species » wolf

Sexual Orientation » demisexual biromantic

Build » sturdy, tall

Special Attributes » wave runner

Fun Facts

⇒ Doesn't have a single care about pronouns, but is generally considered someone who uses "she/her"

⇒ Has the ability to travel through time

⇒ The type to use lanugages and dialect from different centuries and cultures fluidly

⇒ Has nautical abilities including running on water

⇒ Is a rather patronizing without knowing


the peaceful state of mind after a pleasant dream

Judgemental • Territorial • Definitely a Geek

Age » 5 years

Gender » masculine

Pronouns » he/they [both :)]

Species » canine??

Sexual Orientation » asexual biromantic

Build » slim; large/tall

Special Attributes » here

Fun Facts

⇒ He absolutely loves winter, snow, and ice

⇒ The type to absolutely loathe expectations and being commanding

⇒ A stoic, judgemental lad

⇒ Easily persuaded with food (especially warm, comfort food)

⇒ Rather enjoys it when others use both of his pronouns ("he/him," "they/them")


ka · ROO

Intimidating • Sarcastic • Protective

Age » 22

Birth Date » July 28 (Leo)

Gender » male

Pronouns » he/him

Species » humanoid

Sexual Orientation » asexual demiromantic

Build » agile; tall

Fun Facts

⇒ His favorite thing is dancing or listening to music when it's raining

⇒ He loves warm drinks, no matter the season

⇒ Can be judgemental and intimidating

⇒ Can play piano, guitar, ukulele, and sing

⇒ Gets hot quickly but loves the cold (yet loves hot drinks??)


Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 44

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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