Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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    Spring Month: 2   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Den Of StormFang


15 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Feb 12, 2020
Last Seen: Nov 17, 2022
Territory Level: 81
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 133
PVP Power Rank: 6911
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Sick

Hey there! I'm new to games like this and public rp forums.
I'm kind of shy and anxious.
I like rping, drawing, writing, playing video games, and animals.
I love creating stories and characters. I understand animals more than people lol. Doge trainer. Artist. Reptile owner. I rp oc's only. I'm generally the one that guides rps, but I'm fine taking the back seat! My style morphs to fit who I rp with! MxM is my fav type of pairing.
⋆⋅Icon is by me of my Alpha male Ghost Star!⋅⋆
I've got a lot of studs for breeding, Witcher and FireStorm are the most popular.
If you'd like to breed to a female of mine that can be arranged and we will split the pups!
»»━Art List━««
If you're missing from this list let me know!

Synco's cover - sketched
Obscurities designs - sketched
Halls - not started

How it Began.

An example of my general rp style!

It's kind of rushed, plus I didn't want it to be super long, and also I didn't plan it out how I normally do. I may rewrite it when I have the time.

Birds sang sweetly in the lofty trees. They sang songs of rivalry, of love, and of hope, for spring had finally blossomed. Already the forest bed was thick with damp grass. The trees foliage grew thicker day by day and bushes reclaimed their shape. All around new life sprang forth. And with the rejuvination of the forest came the opportunity for new beginnings.

Ghost knew this as he looked over his shoulder one last time from the clearings edge. Dancing shadows masked him from his family. He didn't want to say goodbye, the pain would be too much. As selfish as it was, he wanted to savor a final glance for it might be the last time he saw them. New pups spilled out of their mother's den. They yipped with wonder and glee. The alpha, Red Moon, slumbered in a sunny patch a few paces away. He didn't even budge as the biggest pup, Snowfoot, tackled Red Moon's tail. Ghost's mother and younger sisters shared a fat pheasant and laughed. A few others stood by and joined in. Yes. This is how he wanted to remember them. Smiling, tails wagging. And no dark cloud looming overhead.

Without wasting another moment, Ghost turned and slid into the darkness. It was time to meet up with his friend from the rival pack. It was with Snow that a new pack would be formed. Their pack. His pack. And they would either thrive in the face of this new path or fall at its side. The possibility of failure was ever present in Ghost's mind. He knew the risk was high, but it was a risk he had to take if he ever wanted authority. Respect. Power. Children. And most of all, to be remembered. He wanted the future generations to howl his victories to the moon. To tell tales of his adventures and conquests to their pups. He wanted to live amongst the stars as a true warrior. His fur prickled with excitement at the thought. And suddenly, leaving his family didn't seem so bad. He could always take trips to visit once his pack was established and---

A sharp rustling snapped Ghost from his thoughts. He paused midstep and sniffed the air. Earth, grass, damp wood, some small furry brown thing, moss...wolf. He could feel his heckles rise and his lip curl until he reminded himself he didn't need to defend the territory line. And this wolf, who smelt of sweet sunlight, was not an enemy at all.

"There you are." The red and white she wolf pushed through the underbrush. "You're late! You had me worried."

Ghost lifted his tail in a light wag as a greeting. "Sorry Snow. I just wanted to take one last look at them."

Snow gave him a critical look. Her icey blue eyes bore into him. "Are you sure you want to do this? You can stay, you know."

"Of course I do." He replied cooly.

"Well then there's no point standing here any longer. Let's go find our territory."

Her expression softened with a smile and she brushed against him in passing. Ghost turned and followed her through the trees towards their new home.

Pack Symbols
* Any wolf can be bred with, these are just simplified pack roles.

☆ - Alphas

♕ - Second in command

✧ - Battle Wolves

✵ - Explorers

✤ - Breeding + Pup Care

☾ - Coven of Healers

⁂ - Undetermined


My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Total Times Bred - ✤ Fire Storm ES HW 117
Top 10 Total Times Bred - ✧Witcher
View All Of My Awards (24)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 95 spots for wolves.

The coolest of the cool resides here.

My Alliances

1 of 3 slots used.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Make event currency and bones transferable! - 4 years ago - Suggestions
2. View Defect - Lock? - 4 years ago - Suggestions
3. Live PvP Timer on Battle Page - 4 years ago - Suggestions

Recent Forum Posts
1. Wishbones being stored like mush - 4 years ago - Suggestions
2. Make event currency and bones transferable! - 3 years ago - Suggestions
3. Change 'Gender' to 'Sex' on Wolf Info Page - 4 years ago - Suggestions
4. Guide to geodes! - 4 years ago - Guides
5. Making avatar ? - 4 years ago - Art Help

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 16

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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