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Den Of Hollow_Howls


49 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Lightbringer
Join Date: Oct 26, 2018
Last Seen: Jun 2, 2024
Territory Level: 61
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 150
PVP Power Rank: 5989
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Frustrated

You walk through a strangely silent forest, the sun having long since been replaced by a nearly full moon. You note the almost disturbing way that the shadows of several tall trees crawl across the moss coated stones beneath your feet. A sleek black camera rests gently against your chest, the whole reason you were out here in the first place. The weather had been nice today; warm, sunny, and with minimal cloud coverage, a perfect opportunity to photograph some wildlife. Yet, you had gotten so caught up in your quest that you completely lost track of time and wound up lost in some random forest. Come to think of it.. This would be a perfect opening for some stupid horror story.

Suddenly a shadow darts across your view in an abnormal way, causing you to silently curse yourself for jinxing it. Goosebumps spread across your limbs, struggling to find the creature as the undergrowth begins to rustle. Then everything is silent once again, allowing you to let out a breath you had been unaware you were holding. Turning back you find a somewhat small fox, large ears perked as they face you. It blinks, and you blink.

"Heya stranger." The fox starts with a human like smirk. You open your mouth to reply before freezing entirely. Wait.. Did that random fox just talk? Your lack of a response causes the tiny critter to begin to snicker. "What's 'he matter, snake got 'our tongue?" Their accent is undeniable, yet you can't seem to place exactly where it sounds like it's from.

Quite hesitantly, you inform the fox of your situation telling them of all the details regarding how you got lost. Dark turquoise eyes seem to glint as they lock onto the black device against your chest, disappearing in a flash. "Lemmie see, lemmie see." A voice demands in your ear, pale paws reaching towards the device. Oddly enough, you couldn't feel any weight upon your shoulders. When you hesitate, they whine in annoyance, tugging on the strap that held the camera around your neck.

The next several minutes are spent showing the fox the fruits of your labor, occasionally earning a small comment or tip hidden in what sounded like an insult. Once the tiny beast seems to be satisfied, they leap off your shoulders and land silently in front of you, clearing their tiny throat. "Excuse me.. Anyways, my name is Runne. And you, my friend, are an absolute fool."

Your partly hurt expression coaxes the fo- or rather Runne to continue. "The pack that lives here doesn't take kindly to strangers storming about in their territory. Plus, there's some unsightly things that slip out to hunt in the dead of night. You should be on your way home." You give them a 'no-shit-sherlock' look, causing them to roll their eyes.

A heavy sigh leaves the critter, almost surprising that they could produce that much air. "Well, I suppose I could help you out since you don't seem to bad for a.. whatever you are.." They shake a pale paw at you, as if to dismiss something. "Listen here, sixty three paces. That's how far away you are. You'll find a steep gorge and a pack, don't push your luck with them. They'll let you stay for the night if you behave."

You simply stare at the critter; had they not already told that the pack in the area did not take kindly to strangers? A deep bellow tears your eyes from the fox as you stare off into the dark distance, as if you could see the source. When you return your attention to he animal, you discover that nothing is there, or even remotely near. You're left pondering the entire encounter, were you going crazy? It couldn't hurt to investigate upon what they said, hopefully. A faint snicker wiggle's its way into you ears as you take your first step. Perhaps you wern't seeing things..


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Top 10 Howlers
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Dispatcher Of Dragons
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Total Dominance: 49

Alpha Male
Dominance: 30
   Age: 12
Rarity: 16
Talent: 54
Total CP: 1060
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Coyote's Sand Storm
Beta Male
Dominance: 8
   Age: 17
Rarity: 27
Talent: 168
Total CP: 2089
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Alpha Female
Dominance: 6
   Age: 6
Rarity: 9
Talent: 133
Total CP: 1356
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Pup 29
Dominance: 5
   Age: 5
Rarity: 27
Talent: 134
Total CP: 1166
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Wolf 590
Beta Female
Dominance: 0
   Age: 8
Rarity: 13
Talent: 1
Total CP: 25
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Overall Space left in this den: 30 spots for wolves.


Hello hello!
Welcome to my bio, looser <3
Fair warning, I was constructed with a few missing screws :D
I should do an intro here right?

I'm a nonbianry, aromantic, asexual brick. There's a chance I might be demiromantic, but I wouldn't waste your time. I do appreciate it when you use They/Them/Their pronouns though! You may call me Hollow, Silver, Runne, or some nickname if you come up with one. I am a legal adult, so if you can't at least behave, don't interact <3
I'm open to roleplays of all sorts! However I will only roleplay with players who are semi-literate or higher, I will struggle and fail to keep anything less alive. Feel free to message me with any inquiries! I do prefer to roleplay offsite but that can always be discussed in messages!
I've had a bunch of accounts over the course of several years but Hollow Howls is the longest one I've had. I am an artist and a writer, although I think I'm much better at writing then anything. My pack has wilted quite a bit since my prolonged hiatus, however I have goals to build this up from the ground!
I'm typically quite upbeat and playful, although I do suffer from consistent depressive moods which is usually easily filtered through a screen. I'm always happy to help, expecially newer players, but for the love of gods, stop asking what gen a long lined wolf is. I can be a bit of a bitch without warning, particularly if you've annoyed me either currently or preivously, so I would adivse you be a little kind. I am extremely forgetful, but if I'm upset I won't forget the source very easily. You may find yourself having to remind me about how I know you or a previous discussion.
I think that covers the basics..
Oh, wait-


Thank you~

Pack Symbol Guide;
★(Name)★ = Descendence of my Alpha Pair
『(Name)』= Decendence of Niba
⭄(Name)⥺ = Decendence of Despacheetos
(Name)۵ = Breeding female
^Most pack Symbols are now out of use


Make 3-4 customs at once >.>

Manage to save up stuff

Get to 60-ish den spots

Get several relic expansions

Learn to BE train quickly and have enough motivation to do so.

Always help my friends

Keep Black Hole from dropping a roleplay-

My Alliances

1 of 3 slots used.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Question answering bug - 4 years ago - Bugs
2. Hollows Characters - 5 years ago - Characters

Recent Forum Posts
1. Trials Call | Digital Survival RP | Open! - 1 month ago - Sign-Ups
2. Stray Dog Rp | Discussion - 2 months ago - Discussion
3. Relic Memory Bug - 2 months ago - Bugs
4. Small Group Discussion - 2 years ago - Discussion
5. LF: Small (Literate) Group RP | Closed - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups

Recent Blogs
1. The book - 4 years ago
2. Roleplay stuff~ - 4 years ago
3. Chapter 2- Little Fang - 5 years ago
4. Chapter 1- Maka and Talon - 5 years ago
5. Art stuff - 5 years ago
My Characters
Meet Runne! A ghostly Fennec Fox who is practically my mascot! A playful creature obsessed with the magic behind any camera. Perhaps you could trade a picture for some information? They | Them

My Toyhouse account is Silver_Hollow. All characters are sourced from MY toyhouse account

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 7

Bones This Event: 6
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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