Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Grizzly Bear : -4
    Spring Month: 2   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Den Of Specific Ocean


50 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: May 19, 2018
Last Seen: Jun 19, 2024
Territory Level: 3
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 2
PVP Power Rank: 6068
Membership: Explorer (free)

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About This Pack
⛃ Pack Goals ⛃
The focal point of this pack is rather simple in words. Create quality breeding program and have a high dominance.
• ───── ⋅ Miscellaneous Goals ⋅ ───── •
- Get 100 den spaces: (50/100)
- Get at least 6 folder spaces (2/6)
- Expand relic hole for breeding purposes (x/x)
- Create an elaborate explore team
Apples needed:
Mushrooms needed:

⛃ Pack Qualifications ⛃
This specific portion is more so for my reference than anything, just to ensure I'm not impulse purchasing a mediocre wolf that doesn't meet my standards.
Explore wolves - 𓃬
- Hero, 5> for each vital
- HW
- Boost
- 30+ rarity prefered
Breeding Dams - 𓃖
- 40+ AC rarity, exception to sought after defect/boost
- boosted/image altering defect
- Low gen, CL
⛃ Breeding Project ⛃
My breeding project is still be planned, but here's a rough jist of what's to be expected.

Studs - 𓃥
Wolves that will be studded are represented by the jackal symbol. Stud qualification is strict and thorough, ensuring quality offspring for your own pack.

General Expectations
- High rarities: 45+ AC minimum
- Decent talents
- Breeding fees upwards from 10 mush
- all necessary breeding info in Bio, stand out pups in special skills
Exceptions to the above
Although the above is the general norm for studs, there may be some outlier studs. These will comprise highly sought after defects and boosts, perhaps a mix of the two.
- Surpassing Valors
- Archaic Pride
- Divine Health
- Matron's Blessings
- Gaelic Blood
Defects (Note: I breed only for image altering defects)
- Melanisim
- Albinism
- Chimarism
- Vitilgo
- both Fallows

Stud prices will be dependant on the rarity and demand. Like aforementioned, expect a minium of 10 mushrooms. I believe the maximum stud cost will be no more than 200 mush.
Free breedings & Reservations
Free breedings and reserving are, again, dependant on how high the demand of the stud is. I'd advise to check out the male in question.
I will not accept decor/gear as a means of free breeding
Dams - 𓃖
▏Dams are represented by the nursing cow. These females are chosen to breed for my sake and will be paired with studs that best fit my desired needs. I hold my dams to an even higher standard compared to my studs.
Sale Stock - 𓃚
▏Sale stock are Dud pups with at least a 35+ rarity or some form of boost/image altering defect. These pups will be kept around for at least half an in-game year before being retired. These are represented by the rearing kid symbol.
General Expectations
- 35+ rarity, mainly AC
- decent talents
- possible boost/defect
⛃ Character Point Gifting ⛃
As grateful as I am for CP, unless explicitly stated, I won't pay you for your donation. In the scenario, I do offer financial reimbursement expect anywhere from 10-15 mush depending on the wolf :)
Where to put CP
* Please put dominance on whoever, as long as they aren't being sold
Breeding Dams: Maternal
Studs: Charisma
Explore Wolves: Anywhere and everywhere
⛃ Pup Policy ⛃
I'm well aware many users are picky about their pup sales in terms of retirement, resale, and so forth. I for one am not, if you purchase any of my pups or wolves it's up to you to do whatever you please.
If there's a pup that you'd like to purchase that's a little too expensive for your budget, shoot me a PM and we can negotiate a price.

⛃ Art Credits ⛃
All image and art credits can be found under the "profile" category


My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Dominant Packs
View All Of My Awards (14)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 50 spots for wolves.

⛂About Me ⛂
Twenty. Forty-eight. Twelve.
Game Year 129
A high dominance and breeding pack.
• ───── ⋅ Specific Ocean ⋅ ───── •
She/herAdult・Animal Enthusiast
Roleplay Status: Closed
Previous Pack Names
Wolves among Men・Whispering Willows・Current
Recived User Given
〘 Important Links: 〙
⛂ Personal Guide ⛂
This is for my own personal usage. Not all WP boosts, defects, etc., will
be present.
Image altering Defects
Name Appearence Jargon Looks
Melanism Turns Wolf solid black Mela mela.jpg
Albino Turns wolf pure white, pink eyes & nose Alb Alb.jpg
Erythrism Wolf becomes ruddy with black points Ery ery.jpg
Chimera Wolf has body split up in varing color and halved face
*10 variations
Chimmie/chim chim.jpg
Vitiligo White spots appear on wolf's body with age
*4 variations
Viti viti.jpg
Black Phase Wolf starts out black and turns white with age BP BP.jpg
Fallow Turns wolf the color of a deer, two variants
Dark & Light
LF/DF DF.jpg
Negative defects
Deaf: 50 CP penalty in perception
Blind: 120 CP penalty in perception, 120 CP in battle
Hydrocephalus: 100 CP penalty in Empathy, 150 in Wisdom, 50 in agility, 100 in Spirituality
Cerebellar Hypoplasia: 150 CP penalty in Dominance, 100 CP in Stealth, 150 CP in Battle, 150 CP in Agility
Runt: 100 CP penalty in battle
Hip Dysplasia: 150 CP penalty in Agility, 100 in Battle
Anosmia: 150 CP penalty in Perception, 50 CP in Stealth
Dwarf: 50 CP penalty in Agility, 50 CP in Battle
Hyposmia: 100 CP penalty in Perception
Club foot: 50 CP penalty in Agility, 20 in Battle
Spina Bifida: 150 CP penalty in Agility, 150 in Battle
Name CP Jargon
Surpassing Valor 250 CP in Dominance SV
Archaic Pride 225 in Dominance, 225 in Wisdom AP
Divine Health 150 in Health DH
Elite Speed 250 in battle, chance of hitting twice ES
Matron's Blessing 1/3 odds of 4 pups MB
Survivalist Hunger and thirst drains much slower ?
Unparalled Learning 250 CP in resolve, chance at gaining more BE UL
Celestial Prosperity 125 in health, 225 in luck CP
Gaelic Blood Anywhere up to 400 CP in luck, wolf turns green GB
*Note: boost/defect blood refers to parents and grandparents

Light Weight
: 129 LBs and under

Heavy Weight: 130 LBs and over
Wolf Play Time passage

1 real-life day: 1 WP Month
3 WP Months (3 days): 1 season
4 seasons (12 days): 1 WP Year

Character Points

Dominance: Pack Happiness, Chasing Packs
Stealth: Tracking prey
Perception: Discovering things while exploring
Luck: Discovering things while exploring
Maternal/Charisma: Number of pups born
Social: Befriending familiars
Empathy: Healing animals
Morals: Fixing the Beaver Dam
Resolve: Offensive battle ability
Composure: Raiding the Farmhouse/stealing food
Wisdom: Discovering things while exploring, Identifying prey Battle: Offensive battle ability
Agility: Defensive battle ability
Spirituality: Discovering things while exploring

Wolf Play Jargon
Jargon Original word Description
ExH Excellent Howler FMC. Best possible howling stat
ExW Excellent Wrestler FMC. Best possible wrestling stat
OBO Or Best Offer Willing to lower if needed
Auction Terms
SB Starting Bid The begining price of wolf
CB Current bid Highest bid on wolf at the moment
AB Auto Buy Purchase wolf instead of bidding
MI Minimum increase The minimum increase of currency per bid.

⛂ Art/image Credits ⛂
Avatar: Me
WP wolves in guide: Wolfplay artists

Recent Forum Topics
1. New Pelt Defect Idea: Maltese - 1 year ago - Suggestions

Recent Forum Posts
1. New Pelt Defect Idea: Maltese - 1 year ago - Suggestions
2. Unknown Column 'raffle_id' || resolved - 1 year ago - Bugs
3. Looking For Artist (not an art request) - 5 years ago - Art Help
4. Warrior Stone Variants - 5 years ago - Suggestions
5. Alliance Specialization - 5 years ago - Suggestions

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If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

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Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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