Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Hourly Damage Variances
Black Bear : -2
Black Bear : -3
Bobcat : -5
    Spring Month: 2   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Den Of SilverHearts


2 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Oct 10, 2017
Last Seen: Apr 25, 2024
Territory Level: 99
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 26
PVP Power Rank: 5846
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Needs A Nap

Greetings! I'm SilverHearts or Ruby. It's been a while since I've played but since it's summer I decided to get back into this game and have goals. Happy Hunting!
also, credit to Wood Carve 215029 for the beautiful Avatar


This pack blogs! Visit Blog

My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 5 Pup Wrestlers
Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
Yendor Winner
View All Of My Awards (12)

Total Dominance: 52

Pup 47
Alpha Male
Dominance: 30
   Age: 8
Rarity: 22
Talent: 3
Total CP: 320
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G3CL 29AC +5 Jimin BL
Alpha Female
Dominance: 11
   Age: 9
Rarity: 29
Talent: 1
Total CP: 95
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rare beauty SP
Beta Female
Dominance: 10
   Age: 10
Rarity: 13
Talent: 1
Total CP: 20
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Pup 4
Beta Male
Dominance: 1
   Age: 8
Rarity: 14
Talent: 10
Total CP: 149
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Overall Space left in this den: 16 spots for wolves.

+Character Points:

- Dominance = Pack Happiness, Chasing Packs
- Stealth = Tracking prey
- Perception= Luck, Spirituality,

- Wisdom = Discovering things while exploring
- Maternal = Number of pups born (Female)
- Social = Befriending familiars
- Empathy = Healing animals
- Morals = Fixing the Beaver Dam
- Resolve = Offensive battle ability, Accuracy
- Composure = Raiding the Farmhouse
- Wisdom = Identifying prey
- Battle = Offensive battle ability, Damage
- Charisma= Number of pups born (Male)
- Agility = Defensive battle ability, Fishing

Character Tributes
Dominance- happiness/ chasing packs
Stealth- tracking prey
Perception, Luck, Wisdom & Spirituality- discovering things on explore
Maternal- # of pups born (FEMALE only)
Social- befriending familiars
Empathy- healing animals
Morals- fixing beaver dams
Resolve & Battle- offensive battle ability
Composure- raiding farmhouses
Wisdom- avoiding quicksand/ identifying prey
Charisma- # of pups born (MALES only)
Agility- Defensive in battle
Wolf weight:
75-90--> +5 agility -5 damage
90-110--> +2 agility -2 damage
110-130--> -2 agility +2 damage
130-150--> -5 agility +5 damage
Pregnancy: 80-96 hours
Labor: 2-5 hours
1RL day= 1WP month
3 WP months= 1 season
4 seasons= I year
(wolves age in spring, wolves can die on Mondays after age 15)

Recent Forum Topics

Recent Forum Posts
1. Blood Ties || Horse RP || Semi Lit || OPEN - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups
2. FMC Event Shop Suggestions Masterlist - 5 years ago - Suggestions
3. PVP Revamp Suggestions Masterlist - 5 years ago - Suggestions
4. food selling option - 5 years ago - Suggestions
5. Boosts, Defects, Weight And Dodge/Hit ratio - 6 years ago - Suggestions

Recent Blogs
1. The Summer of Us - 5 years ago
2. One Of Those Nights - 5 years ago
3. Nightmares - 6 years ago
My Characters
Her journey was long and hard. She watched her former pack destroyed by hunters and disease, running away after her mate and second litter died. She set out to find a better place for herself and met another loner Falan. Their time together would be short-lived as Falan disappeared on a hunting expideiton and never came back. Soon after, she met Frailzrorth. She found the perfect mate in him, and they founded the SilverHeart pack. Their offspring prospered and changed the land around them. She and Frailzrorth chased off many packs that would seek to have done harm to them. She is the founder of this pack and is revered like one.


Age 16
Gender Female
Race/Role/Species Asian-Japanese/whatever needed/ Huli-Jing
Sexuality ace/demi
Appearance Elle is a Huli-Jing or a fox-spirit. In her true form she is a white fox with a grey muzzle, grey paws, a grey tipped tail and a bald spot of an old wound. She is 2.5ft tall and 10lbs. She is smaller and lighter than the average fox. In human form she appears as a small 5ft girl with pale skin, ice blue eyes and a small athletic and lithe structure. She has long black hair that hangs down to her waist. She usually wears her hair in a single braid down her back. She usually wears dull clothing that helps her blend in. She usually wears a brown and dark green skirts with white sleeves. She cannot change her eyes, skin color or gender. She has a circular scar around her leg from a trap she ran into when she was in fox form.
Abilities Shape-shifting, creating glamours, imitating human speech, ability to become mist-like
Personality Elle is often curious about humans and slipped into their world when she was fourteen. She doesn’t want to stir up trouble and merely wants to learn more about the humans. She is a gentle soul toward animals, especially foxes. She will often go into the hunting woods and set off traps in a fox form to help diffuse focus on hunting. She is very clever and calculating about who she talks to and what others know about her. That being said she is a young adolescent pup she does make mistakes. She tries her best to hide what she really is from humans but always keeps an ear out for other creatures about herself.
Background Elle raised her nose to the wind. It was a clear night, a still night. It was a good night for hunting. She set out into the night tracking an old rabbit trail she’d noticed. Elle stayed low to the ground, first making sure that the trail was fresh enough to indicate the rabbit would return. Then she heard something. She twitched her right ear and tried to pin point the location where the sound was. It seemed almost like the beating of a drum. Elle followed the sound until she came across a clearing and a lake. She crept forward and noticed how the moon shone on the lake. It was so still; she could see everything reflected in the water. She leaned closer, and felt a strong pull. She froze and backed up into the woods. She looked back and dove into the water. Something was calling her, drawing her into the water, toward something inside the water. She swam until she’d reached the center of the lake and dragged herself out. She lay on the ground panting for a while until she regained her strength. She picked herself up and moved toward the center of the island. There she found a human skull, something about it… She knew the skull. It was her skull. She slipped it on and shifted into her second form. That was when she heard the voices. Welcome daughter. This is your home, and we are your sisters. It is good to see our sister reclaim her second form so quickly. You are one of us now, you are a Huli-Jing. Stay here and let us teach you our ways before we let you go. She looked around and nodded to the mist around her. “I will stay and let you teach me all I need to know.” She said.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 158

Bones This Event: 19
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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