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Den Of Gone With the Wind


3 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Oct 26, 2016
Last Seen: May 13, 2024
Territory Level: 2
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 1
PVP Power Rank: 5844
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Do Not Disturb

Short Stories:
The lost Pups:
A young female raced across the land as dark shadows flickered behide her she ran hard sheer terror on her face as she raced through the forest she soon collapsed hoping they wouldnÂÂ’t find her as the dark shadows flickered past she sighed in relief she was pregnant and in labor a few minutes later she had six beautiful young pups she heard them coming back and she hide her pups in the leaf mold and raced out so they wouldn't find her pups the shadows caught up to her and she prepared to die closing her eyes she let out one last lone howl as she drifted into eternal darkness forever gone Meanwhile the pups wiggle around whining and looking for their mother not knowing that she was dead she was a few feet away the shadows had torn her to pieces the small pups crawled to her fading scent and crawled inside her still warm carcass curling up and whining in hunger and fear as blood covered their little bodies the curled up together in their mothers dead body as it turned cold and started to snow their mothers body already turning stiff and cold the pups shivered and cuddled closer waiting waiting on some nice soul to come along and care for them


This pack blogs! Visit Blog

My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Alliance Member This Week
Top 5 Alliance Member This Week
Breeding - 10 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (5)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.

Favorite colors:Purple,Hot pink, most blues, black, and red
Favorite animals:Cats, Wolves, Horses, and Monkeys
Favorite sport:Swimming
What I am or want to be when out of school: Veterinarian
My pets: three cats, a dog, a Gecko, and a hamster
Favorite thing to do on Wp: Rp
Favorite book series: Warriors, Survivors, and Seekers by Erin Hunter, Wolves of the Beyond, Guardens of Gahoole, Nancy Drew, The Hardy boys, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries, Wings Of Fire books, Most animal books, and most books
Favorite authors: Erin Hunter, Tui T Sutherland
Favorite place to go: Zoo
Best friends in WP: Wilverbeast
Rps: All but FxF and MxM
Alliances:The Jyn Erso Wolves RP
Credit for avatar goes to: Me

I write bios:
5 mush: Real Short
10 mush: Short
15 mush: Medium
20 mush: Long
40 mush: Really long
50 mush: Extra long
Pm me if interested

Post for Dog Rp:
April trotted in a large park she looked around and saw some other dogs with humans "Pets" she said she hated pets she continued on she scented humans and a dog a little later she howled being a Sarrloos Wolfhond she was half wolf half german shepard so she looked more like wolf so thats what humans thought she was she soon found the humans and dog and she barked at them.

Autumn a gorgeous young cream Sarrloos wolfhond walked through the ally way where she had made her home she slid out and walked down the street she was friendly to humans but she looked like a cream wolf so she had no owner but she wanted one she whined and headed towards the park.

Domino watched the town from the forest where he lived he had once bean a house dog but was abandoned he still had his collar on he was a border collie a sheep dog he slid out of the bush into town.

{Jagged Peak}
Jagged Peak a born street dog trotted though the shadows he was a full bred german shepard but had never had a home and never wanted to he slid in a ally and toppled a trash can and ate the left over food before he laid down in the ally to rest.

(Ill bring in the pups later)

Second post for Dog Rp:

April moves on she rolls her eyes at some stupid pets playing fetch with their collars and stupid owners she had a slight memory of having a person but couldnt seem to see that she missed her sister they were separated when they were taken from there mother a wolves who had abandoned them when she couldnt care for them in the pack cause of how they looked so their father took them April missed him he had left them a while ago she had spend months looking for him but no luck she smelled another dog near by and barked

Autumn Saw people and other dogs she started barking and howling at them she ran up to another dog and wagged her cream colored tail happily "Hi their im Autumn " she said smiling and sitting down she looked up at the human her blue eyes shined happily

Domino saw a beautiful female dog heading towards the park he barked to her and came over he wagged his tail and grinned "Hi there im Domino" he said dipping his black and white head

{Jagged peak}
Jagged peak Got up and slid out of the ally way he headed into the town square and slid though the shadows towards the park to see what was up there

Fight Wolf Rp:
First post:

Little bird was dragged in her claws left marks in the metal floor the humans pulled her past two other wolves and threw her in a cage she hit the back and the cage door slammed shut she rammed into it she howled in greif she hated this cold cage "Shut up" growled a human Little bird laid down her feathers in her gorgeous fur fluttered she was a wild indian wolf she hated being closed in her blue eyes were sad

Hunter was dragged in also he was growling he had a shakle on his left front paw as the metal door closed he crashed against it leaving a dent snarling and barking in anger his Blue eyes blazed he then howled and snarled at the humans he tried to get out he had a small metal earring in his left ear and tribal markings on his head he bared his fangs he was a warrior

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1. Support Please - 7 years ago - Suggestions

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1. Creating an Avatar - Guide - 6 years ago - Guides
2. Support Please - 7 years ago - Suggestions
3. Feed All Familiars Button - 7 years ago - Suggestions
4. Game Guide Revamp + New Section? - 7 years ago - Suggestions
5. Default Battle Move Setting | Explore / PvP Suggestion - 7 years ago - Suggestions

Recent Blogs
1. Book - 6 years ago
2. Twilight - 7 years ago
3. Warriors - 7 years ago
4. Warriors - 7 years ago
5. Answers - 8 years ago
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I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

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