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Den Of Sunflower


10 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Oct 13, 2016
Last Seen: Jun 20, 2024
Territory Level: 25
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 6268
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Exploring

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
-C.S. Lewis
My avatar art was made by Yellow (221126).
My pack mostly focuses on HWs and Heroes, and I try for R30+. Defects and boosts are sometimes what I go for too but honestly it just depends. I most likely won't sell you any of my wolves but if you offer a decent price I might.


My Awards
My featured awards.

Breeding - 30 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (2)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.


Yup, I'm still alive.

Hi! I'm Sage, or Sunny, or Millie, it doesn't really matter. I'm that one hermit that you never see in chat. I'm just gonna give you a quick summary of myself and roleplay stuff will be below if that's what you're here for.

~Me Stuff~

I'm female, and use she/her pronouns. I am really not an interesting person. I'm hopefully heading off to college sometime soon but corona has me inside. (speaking of, stay safe please, wash those hands ^-^) I play the cello, ride horses, write and sing, plus practice witchcraft but no one really cares about that so I'm not gonna go into it.
I enjoy talking to people, I just am not very good at it. I absolutely adore plants and have an herb garden (well, as much of a garden as you can get in an apartment) and would love to tell you all about my little babies <3 If you have questions about the game, I can answer them.
In summary, I'm a bi, lonely, green witch who wants peace and quiet more than anything in the world.

~Roleplay Stuff~

I am always open for a new roleplay partner, as I love writing and it's so much fun to see other's ideas. So here are the main things you need to know if you want to roleplay with me, or are considering.
~I'd consider myself semi-literate but that's about as specific as saying you want a medium cooked steak. I'd say I'm pretty grammatical, but I do make mistakes like everyone else. Not to mention that auto-correct hates me and I'm to lazy to turn it off.
~I will only do topics pertaining to humans/humanoids, I can't roleplay animals, I'm just horrible at it. Please don't even ask because I'll feel bad when I decline.
~I can't do just normal humans, it gets boring, and the whole reason I write is to escape from the real world. I need some sort of supernatural element to a roleplay, shifters, magic, aliens even, I don't know, just not plain humans. I'll get bored.
~I am fine with and without romance, it's not really important to me. If we decide on romance, I can do any pairing (MxM, FxF, MxF) I'm comfortable with it.
~I mostly roleplay on forums because sometimes things don't go through in my pms. I've lost a couple of good roleplays to this and I honestly don't want to go through it again. Forums are definitely preferred.
That's about it really, just please understand that it may take time for me to reply. There's a lot of stuff going on in life right now, so please don't be angry if I don't respond right away, I'm doing my best. If I don't reply for days, then please pm me, I am forgetful. I literally don't know my own birthday. So just remind me if I taken an abnormal amount of time.


Yea, that's about it. Thanks for stopping by, it would be lovely to see you again! ^-^

Recent Forum Topics
1. Pms Bug? - 4 years ago - Bugs
2. Light against the Darkness B/S - 5 years ago - 1x1
3. Supers B/S - 5 years ago - 1x1
4. Not as Medieval Story B/S - 5 years ago - 1x1

Recent Forum Posts
1. a guide on how to not die a horrible death | a B/S RP - 1 year ago - 1x1
2. The Land of the Dragons _ B/S - 3 years ago - 1x1
3. Space Dads __ B/S - 3 years ago - 1x1
4. Apocalypse _ B/S - 3 years ago - 1x1
5. The Princess and the Witch _ B/S - 4 years ago - 1x1

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